Bird Control & Removal
Every bird job includes a Full Inspection of your property, followed by Humane Bird Control, Deterrents or Bird Trapping Services that fit your specific situation.
Bird Feces Cleanup
Forget your Maid! We can clean up & sanitize all bird poop. Need new insulation? We can do that too. This saves you time & money.
Bird Exclusion Services
We can help with protecting your property against future bird invaders. We use the latest techniques available & do all is at a great cost too.

Sparrow Control
Sparrow often causes a nuisance to residential and commercial property. Often found nesting in attics, gutters, drainage pipes or under roof tiles. We offer Sparrow Trapping and Removal Services. We also provide Sparrow deterrents and exclusion services

Pigeon Control
Feral Pigeons are responsible for untold millions of dollars of damage each year in urban areas. The uric acid in their feces is highly corrosive. We offer Pigeon trapping and removal services. We also provide pigeon deterrents and exclusion services.

Starling Control
Starlings rank just behind pigeons and sparrows as an urban bird pest. When the bird is in its flocking phase, thousands of starlings often overwhelm buildings and trees. We offer Starling trapping and removal services. We also provide Starling deterrents and exclusion services.

Swallow Control
Swallows can be a nuisance in suburban areas due to their nesting habits. The mud nests damage and deface the outer walls and eaves of buildings. We offer Swallow deterrents and exclusion services.
Los Angeles 310-528-9229
Orange County 714-913-6110
Call Our Toll-Free Number and Receive A Wildlife Removal Service Quote In Minutes
Toll-Free 1-844-698-7277
San Bernardino 909-582-3073
Riverside 310-547-7681
Bird Control & Removal Services
Bird Removal Services. Our bird control experts can help you get rid of pigeons from your home, attic, crawlspace, and yard. We provide humane trapping and removal of birds in Southern, Ca. We are the Best Bird Trapping and Bird Control Company in Southern California. Serving Los Angeles County, San Bernardino County, Orange County, and Riverside County for all bird control products and services. 1-844-698-7277
We Provide Humane Trapping and Removal of Pigeons & Birds in Southern Ca. We are the Best Pigeon & Bird Control Solution in California. Urban Wildlife Trapping Experts is a wild bird pest control company located in Los Angeles, Ca. We are the best at solving conflicts with nuisance wildlife. My trained wildlife staff can capture and remove pigeons and birds. Urban Wildlife also offers repair services from pigeon and bird damages, cleanup of pigeon and bird waste, exclusion of pigeons and birds, and much more. We specialize in humane trapping animal solutions and complete every job. We can resolve any pigeon and bird problems at your private residence or business place. We are committed to providing a safe, efficient and humane solution to all nuisance pigeon and bird problems at your home and commercial property throughout Los Angeles County, Orange County and surrounding area's (in California).
Urban Wildlife Bird Removal can help if you have birds on the rooftop of your home, in your attic, business, or property. We are the experts at Bird Control, and my Bird Removal Specialist uses the most innovative and up to date methods for wildlife removal in your circumference. Only humane methods are used, and our work is highly effective. Some examples where birds can become a problem are rooftops, attics, garages, ledges and other building structures. We use the best live humane bird traps, cleanup methods, and exclusion techniques. If you have a pigeon problem, give us a call to hire my Professional Bird Removal Specialist in your area. We are a qualified Bird Removal Company in California. Bird Removal consultation and assessment of Bird Problems ~ Guaranteed Bird Removal and Exclusion ~ Pinpointing entry points and damages the birds may cause ~ Sealing potential openings with (StealthNet) Bird Barrier products ~ Repairing or sealing up with materials that are constructed of high-quality materials.
Bird Diseases & Health Concerns
As the young birds develop, they will contaminate almost everything in the area with their urine and waste. When most birds are young, they sometimes die causing huge odor problems. When birds accidentally get indoors, they will contaminate the inside of a building with waste, urine and bird mites. Birds will often infest a building for many years causing the building occupants to be exposed to significant health and respiratory problems. Birds can act as vectors for spreading diseases such as psittacosis, salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis, mycobacteriosis (avian tuberculosis), avian influenza (bird flu), giardiasis,& cryptosporidiosis over long distances. ***Some of these are zoonotic diseases that can also be transmitted to humans.

Flex Track - Bird Deterrent
Bird-Shock Flex-Track is a low-profile ledge deterrent system that's effective against all species of birds using the principle of fear and flight, teaching birds to stay away.

Tree Shock - Bird Deterrent
Tree-Shock is an attractive, effective, long-lasting solution that actually conditions the birds to leave the protected tree for good.

Bird Shock Solar Units
Solar power boxes support up to 1,000 feet of track. It provides plenty of shock and can be installed anywhere that gets several hours of sunlight every day. Different boxes may vary total feet of track.

Bird Spikes Installers
Bird-Flite is installed on thousands of U.S. buildings with an incredible success rate. Its stainless steel rods and U.V.-resistant polycarbonate base are very durable.

Bird Slide Installers
Completely protects ledges against all bird species; they can't get a grip and slide right off. When color-matched, BirdSlide looks like it's part of the architecture.

Optical Gel™ Installers
Optical Gel™ is a multi-sensory bird repellent. Birds see dishes of fire and avoid them immediately. Works in many area for Bird Control.

Stealth Netting
StealthNet is the strongest and most versatile bird exclusion system in the world. StealthNet denies pest birds access to any architectural configuration.

Mist Net
Mist Nets are used to remove birds from the interior of a building. They are made of ultra-fine black twine in a 3/4-inch mesh.

Bird Trapping
We offer a variety of traps for Pigeons, Starlings and Sparrows.
Bird-Be-Gone is the leaders in Bird Control Products
We Provide Humane Prevention Techniques of Pigeon & Bird Control in Los Angeles, Ca. We are the best Pigeon & Bird Control Solution in California.
Pigeon and Bird prevention/exclusion is a process whereby any gaps or openings that are a 1/2 inch or wider would be sealed to prevent entry points for unwanted birds. Gaps such as these are most often found along the roofline where there’s an original construction gap. Gaps in the eve, gaps near utility penetrations, and where concrete, brick, and stone joins siding material. These areas are common places we find birds roosting, nesting, feeding, and trying to keep cool.
Our professional wildlife bird control specialists seal these and other potential entry points with materials designed and manufactured to exacting specifications. We install deterrents (Bird Spikes, Bird-Coil, Flex-Track, BirdSlide, Eagle Eye & Stealth Net) to help keep birds (OFF or AWAY) from your property for good. We use the latest Bird Barrier Products on the market,
Our bird spiking and bird control services are the most advanced in the industry and are beyond satisfaction. Urban Wildlife Technicians uses only the highest quality Bird Deterrents to ensure that our products do well in all weather conditions without deteriorating. We also use only the highest quality sealants to ensure that the spikes will stay secure to the building. If you have birds nesting on or near your building, harassing your customers in the parking lot or causing any problems for you, call Urban Wildlife Trapping Experts today for your free quote on private or commercial bird control.
Our attention to detail, customer service, and state of the art prevention/exclusion techniques have allowed us to sever the situation from the circumference of your home and business.